Tuesday 4 March 2014

A Week in the Life - Tuesday

Our morning routine varies very little on weekdays so I won't bore you with it every day - besides, I only have 3x4 cards for Tues, Wed, Thurs!
After dropping M at school this morning, I walked into college. I did paperwork & lesson preparation until Staff Briefing at 11am then Tutor Group at 11.40.
Only time for a quick lunch with my colleagues before teaching my 6th form class. Today was my annual lesson observation and, despite thinking I was well prepared I found I had messed up the printing of my materials so I was very cross with myself. I have to wait until Friday for feedback, but I know I've blown my chances of a top grade.
As today is Shrove Tuesday, M prepared pancake mix before her ballet lesson at 5pm. P was home unusually early (at 4.30 - unheard of) so I left R at home with him and spent the 40 mins of ballet working.
Then, of course, we came home to cook, flip and eat pancakes.
P had a billiards match this evening so he and I didn't eat until 9pm. I was fine with that, having had 3 crepes earlier in the evening!

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