Saturday, 8 March 2014

a Week in the Life- Friday

 Thank Crunchie it's Friday!
M dressed up as Amelia Jane this morning for World Book Day.
9.30-11.30 I taught CAE then went straight into an hour-long 6th Form lesson. At 12.45 I had feedback from my observed lesson on Tuesday.  He said lots of nice things but the final grade was a 'good',  as I expected.
I was hoping to get some preparation done for next week but my line manager wanted a meeting so I ate my lunch while we talked.

Again,  M and I had to go and get R from school as he had a club so by the time we got in at 4.00 I was ready for a rest while watching the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Winter Olympics.  M was worn out by Book Week excitement so she was bathed and in pyjamas by 5.30.

Mum and Dad arrived to babysit at 6pm so we had fish and chips together or dinner, then P and I went out to see Derren Brown live. The tickets were my Christmas present from P and it was well worth the wait. I won't be a spoiler in case you get the chance to go. If you do, I thoroughly recommend it. Astounding!

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