I know February isn't quite over but I don't anticipate anything interesting happening in the next 2 days and I've been working on the components of this spread all month so it finished. I'm enjoying doing Project Life monthly - I know I couldn't keep up weekly and this way I can see what is actually important over a slightly longer timeframe. And, as it is, I only managed a double spread for February.
If I was working weekly I'd have had 8 weeks of pictures with rain and floods - how depressing would that be? But now I was able to do one section about how thankful I am not to have been personally affected by the terrible weather.
I like combining 2 or 3 pockets to highlight an event. It gives me more room for a picture and journalling and I think it looks clearer and less cluttered. This records the International Club event I organised at college.
The kids and I enjoyed watching the evening roundup from Sochi Winter Olympics. With so many new sports it is gripping and exciting for everyone and a lovely way to spend an hour together. One of my aims when I started Project Life was to record more Current Events alongside my personal family stories. As I didn't have any Cyrillic letters and couldn't find the right font online, I hand wrote my title.
Half term also fell in February and we took the kids to the Tower of London. I'm making a separate 12x12 and divided page about that which I'll share when it's done. I like that using my main 2014 album to store my PL means I can choose to do a whole spread about 1 event if I so chose without duplicating what I scrap at 12x12.
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