Saturday, 14 December 2013

Saturday Roundup 14th December

This week has been something of a struggle as I've had a virus and felt fairly grim. Although I had fewer hours to teach as my adult classes have finished, the work I did have was stuff that couldn't easily be missed - parent meetings, exam invigilation and trainings.
Thank goodness for a pyjama day today! I'm taking it easy as my head is still banging but I can't pass up the opportunity to do some of the jobs I didn't do this week because I was feeling rough.

On Monday morning I watched M in her school nativity play. She had one of the main speaking parts and did a great job, but the highlight for me was hearing her play the recorder for the first time. Her class have been having lessons since September, but I hadn't heard her before. I've no idea what the tune was supposed to be, I must admit, but they were all tooting in unison so I assume it was right! She did a second performance on Thursday and then went to the nearby Old People's Home on Friday. On Wednesday her Rainbow unit went bowling and she invited a friend home to tea on Thursday.

After such a busy week even this energetic little 6th Year old is feeling pretty tired so she was content to sit on the sofa and make paper chains today. That is until her wobbly tooth fell out and then she wanted to go to bed at 4pm so the Tooth Fairy would come!

About half an hour after I wrote this, M's other top tooth fell out while mucking about with her brother. She was upset and frightened and she wouldn't let me take a picture. But I'll get one soon!

1 comment:

Julia Dunnit said...

Horrid for you to feel so poorly, really there's never a good time, but this month is so tough anyway! a am so glad you got to se the nativity., they used to make me cry!