Monday 14 October 2013

Hello Monday

Hello  to yet another incomplete week - R's school is closed due to industrial action on Thursday and M's is closed for INSET on Friday. I am working both of those days!

Hello to Parent-teacher meeting with M's teachers - not too worried.

Hello to completing my exam entries at college.

Hello to celebrating my 43rd birthday on Thursday - not too sure yet, how.

Hello to Book Group on Friday - discussing K Rowling's 'A Casual Vacancy' which I have nearly finished, but not really enjoyed. It's engaging in the same way Soap Operas are - a group of misfits all with personal issues thrown together in a confined setting. Looking forward to a glass of wine and a chance to air my opinions.

Hello to the wedding on Saturday - an old friend of mine and R's Godmother. R is ring-bearer so this is a big deal we have been building up to for some time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!