Sunday, 2 December 2012

November in Numbers

November is All Work and No Play. Not much of interest to record except marking and Christmas shopping so I lifted Sian's idea of last month and kept a tally of the grocery basic we went through in what was an ordinary, if slightly frugal month.
8 loaves of bread
17 pints of milk
6 bags of potatoes
12 tins of baked beans
10 packets of biscuits
30 packets of crisps
6 bottles of squash
10 boxes of cereal
5 takeaways (all Fish and Chips from the shop scross the road)

I think I like the design of this one most of all months.


Julia Dunnit said...

Ots a really nice the film strip idea very much. Isn't it amazing how the grocery figures add up..ten boxes of cereal, gosh!

Sian said...

I really like the design of this one too - it looks terrific!

We like crisps a lot here too