Saturday, 1 December 2012

C-Day minus 4 weeks

Woo-hoo! It's December at last!  First opening of the Advent calendar and my first Prompt for Journal Your Christmas. I can really start getting excited now!

Why do people always say ‘I can’t believe it’s Christmas already?’ News Flash – it happens every year. The mad party season is coming,  ready or not, so it pays to be prepared.
Check your calendar – don’t double book lunch with a friend, when you are meant to be watching your son’s Christmas concert, or one of them will never forgive you! After 14 years of marriage, I have still not trained P to use a calendar, so I sit him down and insist he tells me every date he has made for the month of December to avoid last minute babysitting crises
Also, why not be a bit selfish this week? Book yourself in for a haircut or a manicure before all the parties get under way. Ring the people you really want to see over the Christmas season and make a firm date with them.
Get all your children’s cards written, ready to give to activity leaders and friends as the occasions arise in the last 2 weeks of term.

Last week of shopping. I've only got 4 gifts left to buy and I can do them all in 1 trip to Argos so I won't go near the Town Centre again after that.

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