Saturday 16 June 2012

Evidence of summer at last

Perhaps the Great British Summer has finally started.
Strawberries, fresh from the garden. There's nothing better.
What's more,  M tried one for the first time and decided she liked it. (Despite eating strawberry flavour yoghurts and ice cream, she has never yet been prepared to try the fresh fruit)


Melissa said...

How fun to pick the first strawberries!

Sian said...

Ooh, lucky you! I was just reading that Wimbledon was going to have to bring the strawberries ih from abroad becasue the harvest has been so poor this year. These look delicious.

Lisa-Jane said...

Wow, that's a great haul from your own garden! We usually go picking on Father's Day but our usual place wasn't open. We did pass one other place but they looked like they were struggling to find them yet. There is truly nothing better than hand picked strawbs.

scrappyjacky said...

There is nothing comparable to British strawberries.