Saturday 28 May 2011

A Week in the Life of Me. Lessons Learned

1. Forward planning is key. If I keep all my textbooks in the car, rather than at home, I will be able to photocopy when I'm at college instead of on the way to the Community Centre. This will save me a precious 10 minutes in the morning (and free up extra space on my desk for craft stash!)
2. Time is money. I could save another 10 minutes a day, and a lot of money, by not going to Sainbury's Local so often. I will have a lighter timetable after half term so I will try to do a more efficient weekly shop.
3. Don't knock the Status Quo. Although my term-time routine is excruciatingly boring, it works. I have followed it carefully this week (because I had to 'fess up at the end of each day), and we have had a tantrum-free week.
4. Be proud of small victories. I feel I've achieved a lot this week.
5. Make more of an effort to spend time with P . He does not feature much in my plans during the school week although, as we are both teachers, we do get to even this up a little in the school holidays.  At present, by the time I sit down with P in the evenings, I am good for little more than an hour's TV and bed. This can't be right. We did actually spend Saurday night in each other's company, but this is atypical. In fact,  I think it's the first time this year we have been out together without children.

1 comment:

humel said...

Really interesting reflections :) What a good idea to seek lessons to learn from this as well as recording it for posterity xx