Saturday, 1 February 2014

Project Life January

Yes, I have finally joined the crowd and started Project Life. I know I would be setting myself up to fail if I tried to do a spread every week so I have decided to do it monthly. I will probably add extra spreads for school holiday weeks and special occasions. I am including my PL spreads amongst my normal 12x12 pages because I scrap chronologically anyway.
I made 3 pages for January- a front and back and a front. I only had a couple of 12x12s for Jan so they went first. I'll start Feb on the back of PL and put my Feb 12x12s afterwards. I'm not going to lose too much sleep over the odd blank page.
My approach to Project Life (at least at the moment) is to work on it throughout the month. I chose my 'kit' and 3 dominant colours at the beginning of January then I printed pictures and made cards as and when I had the urge. This is much easier for me than finding time to put a whole month together in one go. I have also allocated a small diary to record what happens when. I quite seeing evolve so I think I'll stick with this routine  for another month. I want February's colour scheme to be completely different, though.
January was dominated by wet and rainy weather (20 days out of 31) which has caused a lot of flooding locally and nationally. Luckily we have not been affected personally. We wasted most of the first week of the year waiting around for boiler engineers to look at our boiler (just look - they didn't do much!) Other pictures show M's various physical achievements which I have already blogged about, hamster cuddles, New Year's Eve, book group, birthday parties and schoolwork. The blurred-out picture is of a girl from R's school who went missing for 5 days but, thankfully, was found safe & well.

1 comment:

Susanne said...

Looks good, I like the Hello cards there in the middle.