Sunday, 22 December 2013

Journal Your Christmas Project Life Week 3

Despite feeling rotten, this was a busy week of end-of-term celebrations so I limped to Friday lunchtime (College Christmas lunch) then flaked out. I had a lot of pictures this week from our various parties so I had to be selective and used a collage for 1 event.

Because R is getting very resistant to having his picture taken, I only had the one of him with my brother-in-law's new puppy so I scanned the ticket from his first Secondary School Disco to include that in lieu of a photo.
 I printed out a carol that M decided to write. She asked me to correct the spelling, but I saved her original version first and used that in PL. I know I'll be glad I did in years to come, even if she doesn't thank me for it! Here it is in all its original glory!
Haluaa haluaa avreone  prazz the lord
Haluaa halua Jeesus  prazz the lord
Born in a stable he was vere por
Haluaa haluaa avreone prazz the lord
Haluaa haluaa Jeesus prazz the lord
Three wies men they saw a star
Haluaa haluaa Jeesus prazz the lord
The wies menbort him giths;
Gold frangkingsens and mer
Haluaa haluaa avreone prazz the lord
Haluaa haluaa Jeesus  prazz the lord.
The JYC prompt for 21st December is always to take pictures of how our world looks 'Right Now'. I had one of the gifts under the tree and I decided to focus on the unseasonably wet and mild weather we have been having.
I'm going to tidy my craft stuff away now until after the Big Day and charge my camera. Have a lovely Christmas.
See you soon

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