Saturday, 30 November 2013

Are you ready?

Not for Christmas. That would be unreasonable. But are you ready for the start of Advent and Journal your Christmas?

I adore this time of year, possibly even more than Christmas Day itself.
I love the anticipation, the preparations, the magic in the air.
I love carol services and nativity plays and visits to Santa.

And I love Advent Calendars, Advent candles (still need to get one for this year) and JYC.
 In the past few years, I've made a separate book for JYC and my 12x12 scrapping has suffered. I caught up last year by just blogging JYC and using the prompts to scrap old Christmas photos for different albums.

This year I've decided on a Project Life format which will allow me to do 12x12 pages as well of the big events. It will also fit with my plans to do PL in 2014, but probably just monthly spreads, not weekly. In the same way as JYC interfered with what I love best, I think weekly PL would also stop me scrapbooking in the way I like - 12x12. So I'm going to do a monthly divided protector plus my usual pages . I can do more in the holidays if I want but it should be a good balance. -That's the idea, anyway.

I was keen to get started and I ordered December Documented from Simple Stories and Shimelle's Christmas in a Box (which also contained December Documented so I have rather a lot of duplicates). I cut apart all the sheets of 6x6 and 4x3 and spread them through my 4 weeks of divided page protectors. This will speed up the process but also ensure I use the special cards on special days and don't forget them/waste them..

This is my title page, made with a single sheet of paper from Crate Paper plus 2 journaling cards and Shimelle's business card. The alphas and stickers are December Documented.
I've also made my 4 date cards. I might continue into New Year, but I haven't decided yet.
I like that they are different but all have the chalkboard and glittery gold elements in common.

Can't wait until tomorrow. What are your Advent traditions?


Amy said...

Your date cards look pretty fabulous! We don't have any significant Advent traditions - actually, I find the lead up to Christmas quite challenging as it is also the end of our academic year ... to say it is crazy is no understatement!

Maria Ontiveros said...

I am ready! In fact, I've done my title page and first two days. I'm doing more of a December Daily, and I blogged about it today.

Davenport Attic Insulation said...

Very nicee post