Thursday 4 July 2013

June in Numbers

18 kids at M's pool party
1 blue belt
2 days off work with bronchitis
6 days in hospital for Nanny
2 damaged ankles
3 trips to the dentist and 1 filling
2 school fairs
1 summer ball
79 strawberries from the garden (in the last 3 days of June)

 I've had better months, though there is some fun stuff amongst the medical issues. When I look at the numbers I can see why I feel so tired.
'A Month in Numbers' is the brainchild of Julie Kirk.


alexa said...

Oh my goodness, that has indeed been a month of mishaps and things to contend with :(. Hoping you get some good R and R soon. I just love your double page, especially the right hand side - such a great idea. Like a mind map!

Sian said...

I hope July turns out to be a lot more restful

Jen said...

Oh gosh - hope July contains lots more fun things! J x

Julie Kirk said...

Well ... it's good to hear your glass is half full ... and that you pointed out the fun things in amongst the not-so-fun!

I too like the way you use the calendar blocks to pick out your numbers - and your book must be really starting to fill-out now with half the year inside it!

I've added you to the board now:

A happy + healthy July to you all.

Julie :-)

Melissa said...

What a mixed bag June was for you. I hope this month you avoid the medical issues. I'm very jealous of your strawberries from the garden, they must be wonderful.

Nathalie said...

I hope July was better than June for you and your family! I really like the way you're presenting your numbers in your album :)