Sunday, 28 April 2013

Saturday Roundup (Yes, I know it's Sunday) 28th April

This has definitely been R's week and I'm really proud of him.

On Monday evening, he received his Chief Scout Silver Award from the District Commissioner (the highest award a Cub can receive) and went up to Scouts for the first time. Picking him up at 9pm in the evening will take some getting used to!

His year group ran a charity games event at school on Tuesday and raised £127.01 for Barnados. I'm not sure where the penny came from, but I think that's a fantastic effort anyway!

In addition, he finally gained a Gold award in Mathletics (online Maths programme they use at school)
And the icing on the cake came on Saturday when R played Michael in his drama group's production of Peter pan and Wendy. Traditionally, the main speaking parts are always given to the oldest students so R has been rehearsing with the 12-14 year olds for the past few months.  He was every bit as good as they were (and better than some). A really polished performance, no missed lines and he could be heard pefectly (which for a child whose speech is affected by cerbral palsy is a fantastic achievement)
This photo will have to do until I can buy copies of the professional ones
JM Barrie gifted the copyright of Peter Pan to Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in 1929, which added an extra poignancy for us, as that is where R was taken after his accident. I was very proud of his for standing up and explaining that GOSH saved his life and encouraging people to support the fundraising raffle. I'm certain it made the audience give more generously.

I sold raffle tickets in the interval of the matinee and helped backstage in the evening. It was lovely to watch R interacting with all the other children - of all ages. He is something of a pet for the teenage girls, but in the nicest possible way. They seemed genuinely to like him and included him in their backstage excitement.

This post is late, as we didn't get home from the show until 10pm. Today (Sunday) he had a further committment at the Cubs and Scouts' parade for St. George's Day so, as we were in town anyway, I rounded off this exciting week with a trip to Creams for the biggest sundaes and waffles you could imagine. It's not often I'm defeated by a pudding!

I think I have at least 4 scrapbook layouts from this week alone. Looking forward to a crop in a couple of weeks.


furrypig said...

oooh never been to Creams it looks fab may just have to visit.... not so good for the diet tho.... looks like you had a fab week

Melissa said...

Wow - it definitely was his week. I can see why you are so proud of him! And, of course, each item merits a scrapbook page!!

alexa said...

What wonderful achievements and you are rightly proud of him and them! A very special young man ...

Anonymous said...

Definitely a major week for him! Congrats on all the achievements.