Wednesday, 21 November 2012

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday

Morning WOYWDWers. Hope it's less grey outside in your part of the whole. the sun hasn't even got up yet here.
 My desk is definitely a work in progress this week.

Amongst all the c**p, if you look carefully you can see:
  1.  my pile of written Christmas cards - I'm about halfway through and, having printed digi card this year instead of making them, I've manages to write a short personal note in each one. Not relishing the cost of posting them, though. I really think I might not next year.
  2. my Christmas planner, which contains my card list
  3. a pack of visitor name lanyards. I'm using the plastic safety catches and hooks to create my own beaded ones for my children's teachers and my colleagues.
  4. this month's issue of Scrapbook Magazine, which has one of my layouts in
  5. my laptop - always on
  6. photos printed ready to be scrapped
  7. a just-started layout inspired by Scrapbook Remix
  8. a pizza box of Christmas stash I ordered sight-unseen from Shimelle. I was not disappointed with her selection!
  9. my beading equipment, currently in use for ID lanyards
  10. 5 of the aforementioned lanyards
  11. pink box of Christmas scraps and green box of other scraps, overflowing

If you are on a roll and want to see what other crafters have on their desks, head over to Julia for the full list of links


Words and Pictures said...

Wow - that's a busy desk... How exciting to have a mystery box of stash and congratulations on publication! Happy WOYWW...
Alison x

CraftygasheadZo said...

Wow super busy. I'm trying to find a way to make the cards I want so have decided to buy some this year. I have so many to give. You seem so organised! Yep it's a horrible grey and wet day here too, need to go out but me and mum have delayed it till later when hopefully it brightens up!Take care Zo xx 59

Neil said...

Morning, thanks for letting me peek into your creative world this morning. There's a lot going on!

alexa said...

My goodness, there's a lot of creativity blossoming or about to here. Looking forward to your remix page!

Anonymous said...

Oh, not seen TSBM in a while but the last issue I did see looked great so maybe worth another look as you are in it :)

And digi cards, oh yes! Love the easy of them to be sure.

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (16)

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Beaded lanyards sounds like a great idea! You'll have to show us a close up next week :) Your desk is spectacular this week - another fine mess you've gotten us into, lol!!
Hugs, LLJ #36 xx

humel said...

I saw your layout in the magazine - congratulations! :) That's a busy desk....

Laurart said...

Congrats on getting a layout published! Lots of work going on there! - I haven't even begun to think about Christmas cards! Happy WOYWW xxx Laura #51

Twiglet said...

A lovely organised post for me to snoop today - thanks for sharing - show us your beaded lanyards won't you. x Jo

Nan G said...

Oh a mystery box of goodies! How exciting! Glad they did disappoint. Lots there to keep you busy. Happy WOYWW! Nan 93

Ginny Maxam said...

fun desk, great way to know what you are doing, Number It!!
Have a great week!
Ginny #11