Wednesday, 3 October 2012

LSNED Days 25-30

Can you believe it's October already?
My September began and ended with an exciting trip to London - to the Paralympics and to see 'Wicked', but the middle was dominated by back-to-school stuff. I have now got into my new teaching timetable and the all the kids' extra-curricular activities have re-started.
 Here are my lessons for the end of Learn Something New Every Day. I'll share my September in Numbers in a few days.
25. Unasked for praise makes me very happy. One of my return
ing students told the new ones "She's brilliant!"
26. Happiness is... lemon and ginger anything; chocolate anything; a good book; a cup of tea with a friend; an hour of solitude. I'm easily pleased!
27. R approves of the secondary school I have chosen for him. That's lucky, as I don't have a Plan B I'm happy with.
28. There are only 4 weeks until Half Term
29. There is a little twiddly thing under some Pelican Crossings in the UK which revolves when the lights are green to aid deaf-blind pedestrians. I never knew that. Have a feel next time you cross the road!
30. R is super-excited about his school residential which starts tomorrow.

I'm happy to have completed Learn Something new Everyday. The 30 cards are done and in a perfectly sized box, which I will decorate when I get around to it. I also need to print some photos to back some of the cards with, but that can also wait until I have a bit more time.

1 comment:

humel said...

What interesting lessons, Kirsty - I've learnt a couple of new things from them, too! Your project looks lovely all collected together in the box :)