Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Finishing the Scavenge Hunt Pictures at the London 2012 Paralympics

Wow! What a fantastic day we had at the London 2012 Paralympics at the Excel Centre. It was R's 10th birthday treat, but it was also a great experience for P and I. I took loads of photos, which I'll share in a separate post, but it also allowed me to complete Rinda's Summer Scavenge Hunt.
5. A train...
and a Tube...
and the Docklands Light Railway
21. A Picture of me standing with something that symbolises my nation - a flag. The photo quality is abysmal, because i forgot to chnage my camera settings when I came out of the stadium,  but more on this in later post too.
16. A bride. I'd given up on this one, but I found this as I was reading Scrap365 on the train!

4. A raodside stall selling somethinbg - lots of them actually - it's a Vide Grenier (Car Boot Sale) but it is in the road.

I din't get No1 A pier or No18 A Movie Poster (though there were plenty of adverts for West End Shows on the Underground) so I'd like to submit my 2 substitute items:
Heart-shaped stones from a bowl in my living room

A four-leaf clover - a sheet of scrapbook paper from my stash

I would like to declare myself finished. Thanks, Rinda, for adding another dimension to my summer.



Jo.C said...

Glad you had a great time. I have been cheering on one of the boys I used to teach in the wheelchair basketball. I say boy - he is now29 :0)

Maria Ontiveros said...

Congratulations!!! What a great finish. I'm so glad you played along.

humel said...

Well done you! Fascinating to see the Paralympic shots :)