I went to the Scraploonies crop today for the first time in several months. I was happy with the 'London' LO I made for the sketch challenge, but particularly pleased to get some projects finished which had been hanging over me. The Dolls House one had been cut out and ready to go for ages so that only took 20 minutes and I have had the 'GirlGuiding' mini book in mind ever since I started scrapping 4 years ago. I have been in GirlGuiding UK all my life (although I am not actively involved at present) but I have very few good photos.
My mother was notorious for cutting people's heads off when she took pictures, so I do not have a single one of the whole of me in Guide uniform, but I do have one of her and of my grandmother, and my grandfather looking like Robert Baden Powell. I also have various picures of me at camps and activities. Guiding has been a big part of my life, especially the two International camps I went on as a teenager, but I have never scrapped about it. I went for speed over perfection today and did most of a mini book to showcase the old family photos and the highlights of my involvement with GirlGuiding UK.
Well, your speed turnes out pretty good if you ask me! So love the feeling of getting stuff finished!
Oh, I can relate to the Guiding-photos dilemma so well! I don't think I have one good photo either (although I still have my shirt and hat safely preserved in the wardrobe). Love the mini book.
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