Thursday 2 October 2014

Good riddance to September!

It's been a horribly stressful, tediously boring and very unphotogenic month. The weather was beautiful, but it isn't enough to make me sorry that September is over.

I had very few photos, so I only made 1 double spread but I had lots of journalling:
What's new? This is a double-sided list of what has changed in our lives this academic year.  Because P and I are both teachers and we have 2 school-aged kids September always signals lots of changes. M has started Brownies and a new drama group. R is rehearsing hard for a performance of Oliver. Their school hours have changed and they are both getting more homework. I have started a new GCSE English class, which I was very excited about, until wrangling about my pay took the shine off it.

Life's a Constant Juggling Act. (oops - upside down!) I must admit to earmarking this card for my September PL as soon as I saw it in the Aqua kit. I had intended it as a 'filler' but actually mounted it on the front of a folded 6x4card and journalled about a particularly bad week.  From Sep 21st to 28th I had no hot water for 2 days; M was off school sick for 2 days; I did 18 hours teaching with the probability of only being paid for 15 of them; I caught M's cold and my oven died. The water is fixed and we are both (nearly) better but some of these issues are still ongoing.
Money worries -  I have written on both sides of this card too. As well as the oven and the unpleasantness over my pay we had a £3000 roofing bill this month, for which we had to borrow the money.

Otherwise my few pictures show the kids on their first days back at school, my students celebrating their exam passes, a play date and a school trip and their current obsessions (loom bands and Skylanders, respectively.) I'm glad I took the opportunity to record these things.

I'm pleased I was able to do so much journaling. I did toy with the idea of typing it to fit more onto a small space, but I want to be consistent with using my handwriting for PL. And no-one needs all the depressing details on show, anyway.
Most of the cards are from the Rain kit, which I really like, or Midnight Edition, which is always so versatile.


Lynn said...

Kirsty - I hope October is a bit brighter for you! Keep your chin up.

Susanne said...

You did fantastic on the journaling. I'm with you on the good riddance of September, hoping your October rocks!