Thursday 17 May 2012


Amy set a challenge to blog the 7th photo in the 21st folder on our hard drive. My 21st folder was, tantalisingly but unhelpfully, named 'Misc'and the 7th photo turned out to be this one from 3 years ago:

When R was in Year 2 the PTA held a Hallowe'en party. These are the lovely PTA mums - from left to right: Jan, Diane, Me, Lucie, Brandy, Suzanne and Tasha. In the front you can see R, aged 6, and his (still) best friend Stef, alone with two little siblings of his school friends.

Much as I enjoy all things crafty and dramatic, I am absolutely rubbish at creating costumes. I just don't have the vision, let alone the talent. Or a sewing machine, for that matter! So R is wearing a supermarket-bought vampire costume and face paints (for which he actually won a medal! Or did we give one to all the children?) M was there too, but not in this photo, in the cutest witch outfit and I went all in black with a cat mask.

When I explored my Misc folder further, I found this picture which shows the costumes better. M is looking at me trying to work out whether it really is Mummy. I don't think she'd seen me in costume before!

So, there you have it, the 7th photo in my 21st album. Care to share yours?


Sian said...

Well, your pick from your folder has prompted me to reminisce about the PTA Fancy dress competitions I was asked to judge - hardest job I've ever done!

Amy said...

I am rubbish at costumes as well - in fact, TEYO has a fancy dress party tomorrow and I am still scrambling over what to put him in!
It's fun to look back over old photos and reminisce about the stories - glad you found the time to see what was in that 'misc' folder!

Jamilah Samian said...

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