Monday 29 November 2010

Santa Claus is coming to town-or is he?

The big question this year is whether my 8-year old son still believes in Father Christmas. He has written his letter as always and he went in to see the big man with his sister at the school fete, but there is something different. The excitement and awe are missing this year. I desperately want 1 more year of magic, and I will be devastated if he spoils it for 3- year old M, but I know this will be the last one. The thing is, on Christmas Eve when the work is done and the stockings are hung, I still believe!

The good news:  I successfully blogged the text from my phone.  The bad news: I still have not successfully sent an image from my phone although this poor photo was taken in the grotto using it. I don't know why Bloggerwon't accept the emailed image, but but it really is not for want of trying)

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