Sunday, 30 June 2013

Saturday roundup 29th June

Phew! That felt like a long week. I'm so ready for the end of term, but I still have a fortnight to go, Paul has a week and the kids nearly 4!

What with end of term paperwork, preparations for next year and exams next week, work alone has been hectic, but home life has also been busy.

R's transition to secondary school continues and I have to sort out his uniform for next year (including finding a small enough blazer and a pair of shoes to satisfy the school rules and fit over his splint as well as putting his tie on elastic because he can't do it up one-handed) and meet with the various professionals who are responsible for his care. The paediatrician was pleased with his progress - his posture is much better than she would have expected. I give at least some of the credit for that to karate.
It was R's Sports Day on Thursday. In between selling Pimms for the PTA, I watched him finish 2nd in the 60m sprint. Finally, in his last year there, the school has realised that allowing him a head start will mean he doesn't finish miles behind. I'm just sorry it took them so long.
And look - finally!! The first crop of strawberries from the garden. That means it is officially summer, in my book.
Today was M's school fair. The sun shone, the barbecue smoked and I'm sure lots of money was raised. I did an hour's stint on  the bric-a-brac/books/toys/2nd hand clothes stall and then enjoyed the rest of the afternoon with R and M. M performed a ballet number with her dance troop.

In the evening P and I had a rare grown up evening out. Well, actually P was working for much of it as it was his school Summer Ball (or 'Black Tie Parents' Evening' as he calls it). Still, an excuse to get dressed up and carry a tiny 'I've got no children to worry about tonight' handbag. We had a perfectly nice meal in a beautiful setting:


Julia Dunnit said...

Aw, the little girls look like sunbeams. ou ahbe had a busy wek, I dont know how you do it! love the idea of rounding it off with a proper summer ball though, what fun...Nd perfect summer weather - lucky lucky!

Susanne said...

Oh it sounds like life has been lovely there. I had to smile at the ballerina troupe, of course, and about the "no kids handbag" evening. We can all relate to that. In fact, while it wasn't a dress-up affair, hubby and I went to a party with friends over the weekend, and realized it had been too long since we had been off on our own with no purpose in mind at all.

alexa said...

That is a lovely photo of the little ballerinas! Hoping you make it though to the holidays with enough energy to enjoy some well- earned R and R.